Religious Freedom
is protected by the United States Constitution and has contributed to a diverse society, but is also a hotly contested topic.
Religious Freedom
is complicated by the right to invoke exemption from certain laws (i.e., protection against religious persecution and discrimination).
Religious Freedom
regardless of your stand, benefits every individual and the American society in general, no matter your religious beliefs.
restrictions can hamper fundamental human freedoms! The right to live according to our religious beliefs—or their absence—is protected.
In the first segment, our panelists discuss the role of religious faith in contemporary Western societies and its tension with secular values. Does faith make universal truth claims that challenge personal autonomy, or does it provide a necessary moral foundation?
In the first segment, we discuss a North Carolina senior apartment complex banning the word “Bible” from community advertisements.
In the first segment, we explore how Jimmy Carter integrated his Christian faith into his political career. Our panelists discuss how Carter’s deeply held beliefs shaped his presidency, his commitment to service, and his vision for a just and moral government.
Members of the regular panel consist of experts from various fields including politicians, media pundits, academicians, faith leaders, religious and political consultants. During each episode of this syndicated half-hour weekly public affairs television program, a group of four pundits, prompted by the host, discusses current political issues in a roundtable format.
Faith & Politics
Where God and Government Come Face to Face
The mission and purpose of Faith & Politics is to keep people of faith, individuals of influence, decision-makers, political leaders, religious leaders, and young influencers informed about the legal cases, events, and issues involving God and government.
Panelists both virtual and in-person. Listeners can send in questions or comments that may lead to additional programming topics.
A panel of four experts joining Host/Moderator Orlan Johnson to discuss current religious/political topics.
Fast-paced conversation on multiple topics covered during a 30-minute program format. There are two to three primary segments and a close out section: “Tell Me Something I Do Not Know.”
A Sunday morning talk show feel reminiscent of the The McLaughlin Group and the popular ESPN show Pardon the Interruption.
Faith & Politics
Show Topics
Topics covered on Faith & Politics cover a broad range of current events, such as religious news, legal decisions, and politics.
Equality Act and its shortcomings from a religious perspective.
Supreme Court decisions and impact on differing religious communities.
Local and national political races.
General discussions on first amendment freedom and religious liberty.

Case heard April 18, 2023, decision expected in June.
- Whether the court should disapprove the more-than-de-minimis-cost test for refusing religious accommodations under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stated in Trans World Airlines, Inc. V. Harrison.
- Whether an employer may demonstrate “undue hardship on the conduct of the employer’s business” under Title VII merely by showing that the requested accommodation burdens the employee’s coworkers rather than the business itself.
The Respect for Marriage Act is a seminal United States Federal Law passed by the 117th Session of Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden. It repeals the (DOMA), requires the U.S. federal government and all U.S. states and territories to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages in the United States, and protects religious liberty. Its first version in 2009 was supported by former Republican U.S. Representative Bob Barr, the original sponsor of DOMA, and former President Bill Clinton, who signed DOMA in 1996.The bill’s sponsors worked with their Senate colleagues and stakeholders to develop an amendment to the House-passed bill to confirm that the bill will not lead to the recognition of polygamous unions and has no negative impact on religious liberty and conscience protections.
The amendment:
Protects many religious liberty and conscience protections available under the Constitution or Federal law, including but not limited to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and prevents this bill from being used to diminish or repeal any such protection.
The amendment:
Confirms that non-profit religious organizations will not be required to provide any services, facilities, or goods for the solemnization or celebration of a marriage.