Show notes:

In the first segment, our panelists discuss the guidance issued by the Department of Justice which summarized religious liberty protections applicable to organizations that participate in state-sponsored grant programs. Claire McCusker Murray, former Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General and co-Vice-Chair of the Religious Liberty Task Force said “We recognize that faith-based organizations may have questions or concerns about how they can provide these secular services while maintaining their religious character. The guidance released today is intended to answer those questions and help ensure that faith-based organizations can compete on an equal footing with secular organizations for Department grants.”

In the second segment of the show, we discuss the land use provisions of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 which protect individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws.

In the third segment, our focus turns to the court case, Kennedy v. Bremerton School District. In June of 2022 justices of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Catholic Social Services, enabling the faith-based foster care agency to continue partnering with the city despite the agency’s refusal to complete assessments of same-sex couples. The court said the government cannot refuse to offer religious accommodations to laws when it’s willing to offer other types of exceptions.

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About the Show: Faith & Politics is a show dedicated to discussing issues surrounding the intersection of Church, State and politics and the examination of whether you are allowing your faith to shape your politics or your politics starting to shape your faith. What do you do when God and government come face to face?

Panelists: Todd McFarland, Deputy General Counsel General Conference of SDA; Bettina Krause Editor of Liberty Magazine; Jennifer Woods, Director of Government Affairs; Dr. Timothy Golden, Professor of Philosophy Walla Walla University.

About Us: North American Division Public Affairs & Religious Liberty (PARL) is a ministry dedicated to proclaiming and defending the God-given gift of religious freedom which is integral to our identity as Seventh-day Adventist Christians. Learn more about PARL at


Dr. Timothy Golden

Bettina Krause

Todd McFarland

Jennifer Woods


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