Show notes:
In the first segment, our panelists discuss the revisions to the D.C. Department of Corrections’ religious diet policy, examining its implications for incarcerated individuals’ religious rights following a lawsuit led by the ACLU on behalf of Jewish resident Riley Benjamin.
In the second segment of the show, we explore the court case Huntsman v. The Corporation of The President of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, where an appeals court reinstates part of a lawsuit over alleged misuse of tithing funds, raising questions about financial transparency within the church.
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About the Show: Faith & Politics is a show dedicated to discussing issues surrounding the intersection of Church, State and politics and the examination of whether you are allowing your faith to shape your politics or your politics starting to shape your faith. What do you do when God and government come face to face?
Panelists: Todd McFarland, Deputy General Counsel General Conference of SDA; Tim Schultz, President of 1st Amendment Partnership; Dr. Lawrence Brown, Senior Pastor of the Queensboro Seventh-day Adventist Church in New York City; Dr. Timothy Golden Professor Philosophy at Whitman College
About Us: North American Division Public Affairs & Religious Liberty (PARL) is a ministry dedicated to proclaiming and defending the God-given gift of religious freedom which is integral to our identity as Seventh-day Adventist Christians. Learn more about PARL at

Dr. Lawrence Brown

Dr. Timothy Golden

Todd McFarland

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